On Tue, 22 Oct 2019, Plutocrat wrote:

I recently wrote a script to check disk space every week and email me
an alert if there was less than 5G.

Every week?  Unless you're using a telephone modem, an out of control mail
loop or being the victim of a joe-job can consume 5Gb of space in no time.
I recommend a more frequent interval if you're in the single digit Gb's.

MAILSPACE=$( df -h | grep "/dev/sdd" | awk '{ print $4 }' | sed 's/G//g' )
if [ "$MAILSPACE" -lt "5" ] ; then

If free space dips below 1Gb, (e.g. 900M), this will either fail
or do the opposite of what you want.  Maybe

        MAILSPACE=$( df -k | awk '/\/dev\/sdd/{print int($4/(1024*1024)}' )

Joseph Tam <jtam.h...@gmail.com>

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