Hi there,

I got successfully to replicate my mail server to another dovecot install using dsync, mainly for redundancy, and it works great.

I want to try to install fts, as some of the mailboxes have tens of thousands of messages, and it takes minutes to get some results when searching via IMAP on a Roundcube interface.

I want to experiment with fts-solr first, and firstly on my redundant server, ie., not on my main dovecot install. Is it ok to do this? I ask because I am afraid of how this whole reindexing on the redundant install will affect the production server.

Also, any tips on something else than fts-solr? I tried it once, but it was so hard to get it right, so many configurations, java, etc., that I'd rather try something else. I also could try fts-elastic or something like that, but, again, having to maintain an elasticsearch install might use more resources than I think is worth. Any thoughts on that?



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