Dear all,

I've just setup replication between two servers. The e-mail accounts on both servers intersect but are not the same.

In dovecot.conf (both are identical except one user /var/mail and the other uses /srv/vmail) I have:

userdb {
  driver = passwd-file
  args = username_format=%Lu /etc/dovecot/virtual_passwd
  default_fields = uid=vmail gid=vmail home=/var/mail/%d/%n

passdb {
  driver = passwd-file
  args = scheme=SHA512-CRYPT username_format=%Lu /etc/dovecot/virtual_passwd

i.e. I use a passwd-like database.

For the non-overlapping accounts in both servers I want to prevent replication, as it will otherwise fail with "Error: sync: Unknown user in remote".

I have added "userdb_noreplicate" (also tried "userdb_noreplicate=y") for those users, but I still see the above error message in the logs.


If I run "doveadm user -u" I get the following:

  user      :
  uid       : 5000
  gid       : 5000
  home      : /var/mail/
  noreplicate: y

Note that I use "userdb_noreplicate" instead of "noreplicate" (which I also tried just in case), as from what I understood the "userdb_" prefix is required when adding the flag to the passwd file.

As far as I can tell I'm doing everything right, but for some reason the replication is ignoring that flag.

Thanks in advance for any help with this.

(Let me know if you need to see the $(doveconf -n), but I believe the only relevant parts are the userdb and passdb.

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