> On 25/05/2020 21:48 mj <li...@merit.unu.edu> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to find a nice way to identify dovecot clients that are 
> still configured to use port 143 to connect to our mailserver, from the 
> dovecot logs.
> I would then ask them to move over to 993, and finally disable port 143 
> altogether.
> When looking at the dovecot logs, it seems this is not logged in any 
> obvious way.
> Of course I could use netflow etc, but that would not give us usernames, 
> but IP's, etc.
> So, is there a nice way to somehow indicate in the dovecot logs, if a 
> client connected on 143 or on 993?
> Thanks!

You could use


to log this.


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