Open-Xchange Security Advisory 2020-08-12

Affected product: Dovecot IMAP server
Internal reference: DOP-1849 (Bug ID)
Vulnerability type: Uncontrolled recursion (CWE-674)
Vulnerable version: 2.0
Vulnerable component: submission, lmtp, lda
Fixed version:
Report confidence: Confirmed
Solution status: Fix available
Vendor notification: 2020-04-23
CVE reference: CVE-2020-12100
CVSS: 7.5 (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H)

Vulnerability Details:
Receiving mail with deeply nested MIME parts leads to resource
exhaustion as Dovecot attempts to
parse it.

Malicious actor can cause denial of service to mail delivery by
repeatedly sending mails with bad

Limit MIME structures in MTA.

Upgrade to fixed version.

Best regards,

Aki Tuomi
Open-Xchange oy

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