On 8/13/20 10:56 AM, Aki Tuomi wrote:
>> On 13/08/2020 11:31 Michael Ströder <mich...@stroeder.com> wrote:
>> I'm trying to update openSUSE package on OBS [1] which builds for
>> various OS versions and hardware platforms. To me it seems that a test
>> fails on 32bit platforms:
>> Info: invalid token 3: structure length disagrees with data size
>> test rpa ..................................... : ok
>> Info: invalid NTLM response: buffer length out of bounds
>> test ntlm ............................: ok
>> 1 / 86 tests failed
>> [1]
>> https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/home:stroeder:branches:server:mail/dovecot23
> Can you provide full output for the test suite so we can tell what actually 
> failed?

You can download full log of e.g. i586 build from OBS here:


Excerpt of failed test:

[  576s] test-mech.c:370: Assert(#1) failed:
[  576s]         "testuser" != NULL
[  576s] test-mech.c:380: Assert(#1) failed: request->failed == FALSE
[  576s] auth mech APOP 2/84
.................................................. : FAILED

Ciao, Michael.

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