I have used this person's blog for a few operating systems.


Poke around for the correct OS. I only set up dovecot and postfix. Keep it 
simple. You then need opendkim. I think opendkim checks the incoming mail. 
There is another procedure to sign your mail.

When you think it works, use

Also go to mxtools to verify you haven't created an open relay.

Regarding LetsEncrypt, I use the bash script.
This saves you Python headaches. 

  Original Message  

From: michael.schumac...@pamas.de
Sent: October 26, 2020 1:09 AM
To: rdiezmail-2...@yahoo.de; p...@myzel.net
Cc: dovecot@dovecot.org
Subject: Re: Looking for a guide to collect all e-mail from the ISP mail server

Hello R.,

Sunday, October 25, 2020, 11:12:48 PM, you wrote:

RD> I was hoping that there would be a complete mail server setup
RD> guide somewhere for this kind of setup. But I guess I'll have to piece all 
RD> information snippets together.

There are plenty of guides available. I don't know your mother tongue,
but seeing your last name, I assume you may be speaking German. Take a
look at these German language guides:


I am sure others can provide other language guides as well.

best regards
Michael Schumacher

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