> On 03/11/2020 12:31 Piotr Auksztulewicz <d...@hasiok.net> wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 02, 2020 at 09:33:08PM +0100, R. Diez wrote:
> > OK, so I gather that the Submission Server cannot do that (yet).
> And probably would never do. It isn't its job description.
> Actually, it is just a convenience/workaround feature, which comes handy
> only if your own MTA cannot handle dovecot's SASL authentication (must be
> something real strange) or there are some integration/security/policy
> issue perceived (but I cannot think of any, actually). In this case you
> can set up dovecot's submission server, which uses dovecot's authentication
> settings, so you have single source of authentication, and whitelist
> dovecot IP address in your MTA so it accepts anything that dovecot's
> submission server lets through. But I don't think it is a good idea
> personally, it is more open to exploitation this way, unless the
> address is, in which case you can simply set up SASL over
> Unix sockets, which is as secure as your host server is.

Submission service is not only a proxy, it

 - provides authentication natively from Dovecot
 - provides features like BURL, and maybe in future outbound Sieve

but it does require real MTA behind. 


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