On 08/02/2021 23:05, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2021/02/08 21:33, Joan Moreau wrote:
>> Yes , once again : output of the decoder is fine, I also put log inide the 
>> dovecot core to
>> check whether data is properly transmitted, and result is that it is (i.e. 
>> dovecot core
>> receives the proper output of pdftotext via the decoder
>> Now, that data is the /not/ the one sent from dovecot core to the fts plugin 
>> (and this is the
>> same issue for solr and all other plugins)
> Seems that something is different with your setup than John's and mine
> then, as fts_solr rawlog (which is just the http request split into
> .in and .out files) has the decoded file for us.
> Did you try with the actual fts_solr plugin so it's a direct comparison
> with what we see? There is no need for a real solr server, just point it
> at any http server (or I guess netcat listening on a port will also do)
> with
> mail_plugins = fts fts_solr
> plugin {
>   fts_autoindex = yes
>   fts = solr
>   fts_solr = url= rawlog_dir=/tmp/solr
> }
> If that is not showing decoded for you then I suppose there's some
> problem on the way into/through fts. And if it does show as decoded
> then perhaps fts_solr is doing something slightly different than the
> places you're examining in fts and your plugin, and that might give
> a point to work backwards from.
I'd also recommend Joan to look into some of the potential configuration
issues I mentioned in my first reply and if the problem persists, post
some clear evidence.


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