Le 26/04/2021 à 13:24, Yassine Chaouche a écrit :
Le 4/26/21 à 10:22 AM, Jean-Max Reymond a écrit :
 > After a change of server

When you changed servers, did you copy the contents of (probably)
/var/vmail/ from the old server to the new server ? this is usually
where e-mails are stored.

You can also use imap-sync from old to new server. This should
automatically transfer your old mail there (if old server is still

yep, the 144 GB of mails are copied. The correct owner is mail:mail. Database posfixadmin is copied and authentification by sql works fine.dovecot does not report any issues, postfix works like a charm. I have deleted for only one mailbox, the dovecot files but no changes.

Jean-Max Reymond
CKR Solutions Open Source https://www.ckr-solutions.com

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