Il 03/05/21 12:21, Aki Tuomi ha scritto:

On 03/05/2021 13:14 Fiorenza Meini <> wrote:

Il 03/05/21 11:37, Aki Tuomi ha scritto:

On 03/05/2021 11:53 Fiorenza Meini <> wrote:

Il 03/05/21 10:42, Aki Tuomi ha scritto:

On 03/05/2021 11:16 Fiorenza Meini <> wrote:

Il 03/05/21 09:47, Aki Tuomi ha scritto:

On 03/05/2021 10:42 Fiorenza Meini <> wrote:

I successfully enable mail_crypt module but I'm experiencing a strange
behaviour with tmp directory while accessing with POP3 protocol:

I see in log file:
Error: istream-seekable: safe_mkstemp(/tmp/dovecot.pop3.) failed:
Permission denied

I changed tmp directory configuration (mail_temp_dir variable) and
setting it with 777 permission, but the error is the same.

On client side it's working everything, but I'd like to understand the
error and if I have to be worried about it.

Thank you and regards

Fiorenza Meini/Spazio Web

Are you by chance using selinux or apparmor there which could prevent this? 
Also Dovecot's stock systemd unit prevenst you from writing into random 
locations, /tmp should be fine though.


I have apparmor installed on the machine, but even if stopped it the
problem didn't solved.

I think dovecot's systemd unit file configuration is this

It's content is this:
# Type Path                    Mode UID  GID     Age Argument
d      /var/run/dovecot/       0755 root root    -   -
d      /var/run/dovecot/login/ 0750 root dovecot -   -

Should I insert here a line for /tmp directory ?

Thank you and regards


I don't think you need to do that.

Also note that since you're using systemd, dovecot has PrivateTmp=yes, which 
means that /tmp is actually /tmp/*service*dovecot*/tmp


thank you.
I can't see that directory under /tmp.... Is there a way to create it?


Depends a lot on your setup. I see I got the mask wrong, it's really



Hi, I tried to create manually /tmp/*systemd*dovecot*/tmp and I set 777
on these directory.  Restarted dovecot, nothing changed and the error is
the same.

Trying to understand which is exactly the tmp directory used by dovecot,
I configured the variable mail_temp_dir, and I saw that dovecot used the
directory configured, which was different from /tmp.

Under what conditions does dovecot use the temporary directory?

Thank you and regards


You cannot create the directory by hand, it's managed by systemd. If you do not 
have that directory you are either not using systemd, or you have disabled 

Dovecot uses mail_temp_dir when it needs to "buffer" data to disk when 
reading/writing mails.


thank you for your response.
The problem was with apparmor which was enabled for Dovecot but probably for POP3 protocol wasn't configured correctly. I disabled apparmor and it seems that problem is disappeared.... Crossing my fingers..... :) :)



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