This has been a long thread. In summary, do this:

 From 10-master.conf (when using split config files)

service pop3-login {
    net_listener pop3 {
    port = 0
inet_listener pop3s {
   port = 0
   ssl = yes

This disables pop3 listeners even when the pop3 protocol is enabled.

Regarding protection from the local host, if they can get on your system then 
they will just attack imap. But I suppose this port=0 thing is still a good 
idea since it reduces the attack surface.  I see no disadvantage. 

          Original Message      

Sent: May 4, 2021 12:35 PM
Subject: Re: disable pop3 ports? (success)

Changing the ports to = 0 did the trick. Nothing is listening on or 995

now. Thanks for your help, all!

Dan Egli
From my Test Server

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