Hi Aki

Thanks for pointing  out the tag feature which sound really interesting in the 
first place.

However, if I understand the documentation correctly:
> With tags you can use a single director ring to serve multiple backend 
> clusters. Each backend cluster is assigned a tag name, which can be anything 
> you want. By default everything has an empty tag. A passdb lookup can return 
> "director_tag" field containing the wanted tag name. If there aren't any 
> backend servers with the wanted tag, it's treated the same as if there aren't 
> any backend servers available (= wait for 30 secs for a backend and
> then return temporary failure).

As of my understanding, this only helps if there are multiple IMAP _clusters_ 
in the doveadm ring.
In my case I have only one cluster (with two IMAP _servers_) and would want to 
go to a specific server, failing over to another if that is unavailable.
Now if I have the following scenario:

# Director Server
(DEV) root@lb01 [~] # doveadm director status
mail server ip tag  vhosts state state changed users
mx01.example.com   mx01 100    up    -             0
mx02.example.com   mx02 100    up    -             1

# IMAP Server
(DEV) root@mx01 [~] # doveadm user 't...@example.com'
field   value
uid     1025
gid     12
home    /srv/mail/example.com/test
mail    maildir:~/Maildir
maildir example.com/test/
mail_home       /srv/mail/example.com/test
quota_rule      *:storage=20480
sieve_dir       /srv/mail/example.com/test/sieve
director_tag    mx01

Than user 't...@example.com‘ would go to the backend host mx01.example.com, 
BUT, if mx01.example.com goes down, it would probably fail, because user 
't...@example.com‘ wants tag „mx01“, which is now down and the only server with 
that tag?

By the way, I did a quick live test and it does not even seem to work, when 
both hosts are up, failing with the log entry on the dovecot server:
Aug 31 11:11:11 lb01 dovecot: director: Error: director: User t...@example.com 
host lookup failed: Timeout because no hosts - queued for 30 secs (Ring synced 
for 385 secs, hash=1561836376)

Do see what I’m missing out here?
Using dovecot 2.2.36 (1f10bfa63) on both the directror and IMAP backend.



> Am 30.08.2021 um 19:20 schrieb Aki Tuomi <aki.tu...@open-xchange.com>:
>> On 30/08/2021 19:09 Steven Varco <dovecot....@bbs.varco.ch> wrote:
>> Hi All
>> I have a dovecot cluster with directror and two IMAP Servers behind.
>> Since they are in geographical different locations I would like to have 
>> users to go to a specific IMAP backend server (if both are up) and only 
>> switch to the other if one goes down (failover).
>> As to my current knowledge the PassDB extra field „host=„ is not suitable in 
>> this case as it would never route the client to a different backend, even if 
>> the „user specific backend“ would be down.
>> Is their a way in dovecot to achive this? As far as I searched the 
>> documentation I could not find any information on this so far.
>> If not, it may also help if I could get certain users to „initially" go to a 
>> specific backend (since director usually routes a client/user to the same 
>> backend server it initially connects) and therefore it would be interesting 
>> to know how dovecot director chooses wether a user goes to server1 or 
>> server2?
>> And if a client already gets to server2, how to bring it „back“ to server1?
>> thanks in advance,
>> Steven
>> -- 
>> https://steven.varco.ch/ 
>> https://www.tech-island.com/
> Hi!
> Use dovecot director tag feature. You can match users with tag= to a specific 
> backend@tag.
> Aki

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