On 10-07-2021 4:30 am, Marc wrote:
With redhat 'dumping' the support for centos and the availability of
containers. I thought about reconsidering my default dovecot setup.

Since the concept of having a lts distribution that is supported by
redhat/centos is more or less 'unavailable'. I thought about using the
repo of dovecot with centos8stream.


Im surprised at how little people are aware of this. Oracle linux has been around since 2006 and is an exact port of RHEL. The only difference between Centos and Oracle is the repos. You can migrate your current Centos to Oracle by only changing out the repo files in /etc/yum.repos.d/

Ive been using Oracle Linux for about a year now beside Centos8 setting up identical services on both servers to experience if there are any differences. Everything has translated over 1:1 between both. Every command has been identical except for the names of adding repos. For example:

     Centos8: dnf config-manager --set-enabled PowerTools
     Oracle8: dnf config-manager --set-enabled ol8_codeready_builder

But after you add in the repo, the package names for services are identical so you can use the same dnf install commands on both.

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