> On 02/12/2021 17:16 Patrick Cernko <pcer...@mpi-klsb.mpg.de> wrote:
> Hi Dovecot developers,
> while debugging the above error message from sieve-test, I found out, 
> that the content of directive ssl_ca is added as env var SSL_CA by 
> doveconf on execve and sieve-test now uses doveconf.
> In our setup, ssl_ca is set to
> ssl_ca = </etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
> on our director servers. We have backend servers with certificates 
> signed by two different CAs and to avoid problems if a backend switches 
> to a different CA, I decided to allow all "known" CAs. The corresponding 
> env var SSL_CA has more than 230500 bytes, which causes execve to fail 
> with error E2BIG.
> I found a workaround for the problem by setting
> ssl_ca = </etc/dovecot/backendCAs.pem
> Where this file contains only the two CAs used atm. However I would like 
> to request a fix for this issue as others might also want to have all 
> "known" CAs set for dovecot director backend connections.
> Best,
> -- 
> Patrick Cernko <pcer...@mpi-klsb.mpg.de> +49 681 9325 5815
> Joint Administration: Information Services and Technology
> Max-Planck-Institute fuer Informatik & Softwaresysteme


Thanks for reporting this issue, it's related to a known issue and will be 


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