No ... it just crashes a bit later:

Dec 12 13:28:26 replicator: Panic: data stack: Out of memory when allocating 68719476776 bytes

Am 12.12.21 um 08:23 schrieb Daniel Miller:
It appears when I set vsz_limit=0 it works without crashing. So the problem appears when setting an explicit maximum.


On 12/7/2021 9:57:29 PM, "Aki Tuomi" <> wrote:

On 7 December 2021 23.10.50 UTC, Daniel Miller <> wrote:
On 12/7/2021 12:29:49 PM, "Daniel Miller" <> wrote:

service replicator {
    vsz_limit = 2G


Tried that - got another one.

I just tried setting
service replicator {
   vcsz_limit = 5G
and I still get:
Dec  7 15:08:25 bubba dovecot: replicator: Panic: data stack: Out of
memory when allocating 4294967336 bytes

This looks like a bug. We'll take a look.


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