Here is what solr sends to dovecot, the offending uid in this exmaple is '21'
        "body":[" ... "],
        "hdr":[" ... "],


I'm using dovecot 2.3.13,? solr 8.x. and roundcube 1.5.1. However when
I do a search I get the the Error: fts_solr: received invalid uid,
search results are ok.

Presumably one of the uid returned from solr could not be decoded (i.e.
converted to an int). The offending uid should have been printed as part
of the message. If you need to get more info you could investigate what
is being returned by solr running the exact same query from a browser if
you're able to retrieve it from the solr log.

Alternatively you could set rawlog_dir in the fts_solr dovecot settings
and then look at what is being sent back from solr in the .in file that
is logged.


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