> On 03/01/2022 17:15 dc...@dvl.werbittewas.de wrote:
> Am 03.01.22 um 15:47 schrieb Michael Peddemors:
> > Using your email system IS the reason, simply make sure that you inform
> no, it's not.
> and:
> > (SLA, Terms and Conditions etc) and it has a valid use, eg for security
> > purposes.
> for security_reasons it's completly ok, to store this information
> *locally* on the server for some time, but not to push this information
> together with date+time towards the world.
> sorry, if you don't have an idea of privacy-needs, you should not post
> about this topic and then say something about "no flames please"...
> > Oh, but no flames please, this is almost getting off topic as it is.
> well, then let's come back to the origin topic.
> There's an need for it (as I noticed meanwhile at least back to 2019:
>  https://dovecot.org/pipermail/dovecot/2019-August/116865.html ) and
> until it breaks no existing thing (which is expected due to *optional*
> settings ), there's no reason to discuss about that need itself.
> ( You won't be forced to enable it for Your mail-server )
> @others: due to the importance of it for us, I'm currently trying to
> implement it, but because that's my first deeper view in dovecots code,
> maybe I'll need some help.
> d.


We'll take a look at your patch. Can you please point out to some legal 
information about the Received header's GDPR incompliance, I would be 
interested to see it.


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