The reason to support POP3 is that if you forward email to another account and that includes any spam, you are gonna get dinged. If folks want to read their email from gmail, they really need to suck that email over via POP to avoid this problem.


On 3/1/2022 3:13 PM, Peter wrote:
The only modern reason I can think of to continue to support POP3 is that gmail's email fetch feature only works over POP3, so if you want people to be able to import their email from your server to gmail or google workspace then you should probably continue to support POP3.


On 2/03/22 10:54 am, Sean McBride wrote:
Hi all,

Hopefully a simple question. If I want to disable POP3 support (because everyone is using IMAP anyway), it is just a matter of removing |pop3| from the |protocols| setting in dovecot.conf?

Are there side effects or other considerations I should be aware of?



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