
Environment: Dovecot 2.3.18 running on CentOS 7, mdbox, LDAP users

I'm in the process of moving my mailboxes to NFS and moving with lock and index files in temp storage following instructions from https://doc.dovecot.org/configuration_manual/nfs.

I set mail_location as:

   mail_location =

What I discovered is /dev/shm/dovecot is created by the initial user who accesses their mail from a client, and with permissions 700.  This prevents subsequent users from creating their own index and lock files.

   # ls -l /dev/shm/dovecot
   total 0
   drwx------ 2 mary users 60 Mar 25 10:00 mary

Sample error message from maillog during mail delivery and from a dsync script.

   Mar 25 10:37:15 mailsrv1 dovecot: imap(doug)<19284><WKcX5gvbRe7AqFhA>: 
Error: mkdir(/dev/shm/dovecot/doug) failed: Permission denied (euid=1002(doug) 
egid=100(users) missing +x perm: /dev/shm/dovecot, dir owned by 97:100 mode=0700)

   dsync(test): Error: mkdir(/dev/shm/dovecot/test) failed: Permission denied 
(euid=2003(test) egid=100(users) missing +x perm: /dev/shm/dovecot, dir owned 
by 97:100 mode=0700)

I couldn't locate documentation or discussions on how to set the ownership or permissions for /dev/shm/dovecot in the Dovecot configuration files.

As a hack, I added this to /usr/libexec/dovecot/prestartscript.

   ! [[ -d  /dev/shm/dovecot ]] && mkdir /dev/shm/dovecot
   chown dovecot:users /dev/shm/dovecot
   chmod 770 /dev/shm/dovecot

This solved the problem, but left me wondering if I missed something obvious or if I am setting myself up for a problem later on, like with a Dovecot version upgrade. I could run these commands at bootup out of rc.local or a systemd script rather than customizing a Dovecot provided script.

Is there a appropriate way of doing this that I missed?


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