Subject: Both Roundcube and Squirrelmail webmail cannot search for
anything + cannot open many emails because there are more than 200,000
emails in my Inbox

Good day from Singapore,

I am using Virtualmin/Webmin web hosting control panel in my Virtual
Private Servers (VPS) in Germany.

[1st issue]

Both Roundcube and Squirrelmail webmail cannot search for anything
because there are more than 200,000 emails in my Inbox.

Roundcube webmail doesn't show any error. Search results simply don't
show up after a long time.

However, I got the following error in Squirrelmail webmail (using
Firefox web browser).

ERROR: Connection dropped by IMAP server.

Query: SEARCH CHARSET ISO-8859-1 ALL SUBJECT "keyword"

[2nd issue]

Both Roundcube and Squirrelmail webmail cannot open many emails
because there are more than 200,000 emails in my inbox.

Roundcube webmail gives the following error:

Could not load message from server.

Squirrelmail webmail gives the following error:

ERROR: Connection dropped by IMAP server.

My IMAP server is Dovecot version 2.2.36.

Virtualmin version is 6.17.
Webmin version is 1.990.
Usermin version is 1.834.
Authentic theme version is 19.85.1.

However, using Samsung Email app on my Samsung Galaxy A32 5G Android
phone, I am able to open emails it seems. Only Roundcube and
Squirrelmail webmail appears to have issues opening emails. Using
Samsung Email app, I have deleted around 6,000 useless emails so far
but still unable to search and open emails. Looks like I need to
delete more and more useless emails.

How do I solve the above problems?

I am looking forward to your reply.

Thank you very much.

Mr. Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming, 44 years old as of 17 April 2022
Sunday, is a TARGETED INDIVIDUAL living in Singapore. He is an IT
Consultant with a Systems Integrator (SI)/computer firm in Singapore.
He is an IT enthusiast.


The Gospel for all Targeted Individuals (TIs):

[The New York Times] Microwave Weapons Are Prime Suspect in Ills of
U.S. Embassy Workers



Singaporean Targeted Individual Mr. Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming's
Academic Qualifications as at 14 Feb 2019 and refugee seeking attempts
at the United Nations Refugee Agency Bangkok (21 Mar 2017), in Taiwan
(5 Aug 2019) and Australia (25 Dec 2019 to 9 Jan 2020):





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