> On 22/05/2022 02:32 Coy Hile <coy.h...@coyhile.com> wrote:
> I seem to have got replication working from an older instance to a newer one 
> (insofar as the data are present on the new box) that I’m looking to stand up 
> to replace a newer box. In this case, nothing is configured to talk to the 
> new machine yet, so the replication is unidirectional (old -> new).
> However, I’m seeing an error like like this repeatedly in syslog:
> 2022-05-21T23:23:15.295252+00:00 basement-imap01 dovecot: 
> doveadm(h...@coyhile.com): Error: sync: User has no mail_replica in userdb
> What setting did I miss?

plugin {
  mail_replica = <value here>



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