ok the idle connection per folder is a factor

however in thunderbird i believe it defaults to 2 simultanious connections

mine is set to 5

in thunderbird see

The solution is to reduce the maximum number of connections in Thunderbird. This can be done from Edit > Account Settings > Server Settings (under the mail account for which the setting should be modified) > Advanced > Maximum Number of server connections to cache.

I dont know of anything that would get it to 500?

as for outlook idle was not / is not supported past 2010 (if even that) you need to go into

file --> options --> advanced --> send/receive

all you can change in there is the timing which defaults to 30 minutes, i recommend 3 or 5

I am unaware of how outlook handles physical connections (maybe registery?) and google revieled nothing, outlook since 2010 just does not support imap, microsofts way of forcing everyone onto exchange / outlook 365

377,000 hits last time i googled imap issues in outlook.

Best suggestion is to run

# ps -axww | grep imap
25500 - S 0:00.57 imap: [p...@hiscomputer.ca IDLE] (imap) 25530 - S 0:00.36 imap: [p...@hiscomputer.ca IDLE] (imap) 26014 - I 0:00.39 imap: [rco...@tnky.ca IDLE] (imap) 26018 - I 0:00.38 imap: [rco...@tnky.ca IDLE] (imap) 26210 - I 0:00.07 imap: [spa...@scom.ca IDLE] (imap) 38911 - S 0:00.17 imap: [marilynla...@scom.ca IDLE] (imap) 38912 - S 0:00.13 imap: [marilynla...@scom.ca IDLE] (imap) 41306 - S 0:00.73 imap: [ed.ha...@dssmgmt.com IDLE] (imap) 41312 - S 0:00.63 imap: [ed.ha...@ekst.ca IDLE] (imap) 45232 - I 0:00.23 imap: [rco...@tnky.ca IDLE] (imap) 55504 - I 0:00.16 imap: [rco...@tnky.ca IDLE] (imap)

which shows all imap connections and from where

if you are overflowing 500+ connections then it has to show up here.

Happy Thursday !!!
Thanks - paul

Paul Kudla

Scom.ca Internet Services <http://www.scom.ca>
004-1009 Byron Street South
Whitby, Ontario - Canada
L1N 4S3

Toronto 416.642.7266
Main 1.866.411.7266
Fax 1.888.892.7266
Email p...@scom.ca

On 6/8/2022 6:41 PM, Jeremy Schaeffer wrote:
Ahhh, Ok, I did not know that and now that makes sense. I did not realize it held a open connection for each folder. I increased that and I will see what happens. I wonder if that will also effect the outlook issues. Thanks! - Jeremy

On 6/8/2022 14:28, Frank-Ulrich Sommer wrote:
I think if IMAP IDLE is used you need one connection per folder. If I remember correctly at least either Thunderbird or K9 Mail (I'm using both too) use one connection per selected directory. Simply increasing the number of connections was the easiest solution as I only have very few users too.


Am 8. Juni 2022 21:14:23 MESZ schrieb Jeremy Schaeffer <kb9...@phonesplus.biz>:

    I keep having this issue with one user, and I have to restart dovecot
    several times a day to clear it. What I have is a postfix / dovecot mail
    server (Centos 7) and about a dozen users. All mailboxes are imap ssl. I
    monitor about 4 mailboxes on my computer and tablet. I use Thunderbird
    on the computer (cache connections at 2) and K9 on the tablet, but one
    user of the four I keep getting "Maximum number of connections from
    user+IP exceeded" and I have the maximum at 50
    "(mail_max_userip_connections=50)" so its hard for me to believe I am
    actually exceeding it unless dovecot/client is not dropping connections
    and keeps starting new ones until it reaches the maximum, but again,
    only for one user, even though I am monitoring 4 on the same devices.
    Any idea how to troubleshoot this? I don't know if I should be looking
    at dovecot or the clients, or what I need to look for. It's been going
    on since I put this server in use over a year ago. I also have issues
    with Outlook clients disconnecting, just outlook, is there any
    recommended settings to make Outlook work smoother?

    Thanks! - Jeremy

    Config -

    # 2.2.36 (1f10bfa63): /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
    # OS: Linux 3.10.0-1160.11.1.el7.x86_64 x86_64 CentOS Linux release
    7.9.2009 (Core)
    # Hostname: ***
    auth_mechanisms = plain login
    debug_log_path = /var/log/dovecot_debug.log
    first_valid_gid = 500
    last_valid_gid = 600
    last_valid_uid = 600
    listen = *
    mail_location = maildir:~/Maildir
    mbox_write_locks = fcntl
    namespace inbox {
        inbox = yes
        location =
        mailbox Drafts {
          special_use = \Drafts
        mailbox Junk {
          special_use = \Junk
        mailbox Sent {
          special_use = \Sent
        mailbox "Sent Messages" {
          special_use = \Sent
        mailbox Trash {
          special_use = \Trash
        prefix = INBOX.
        separator = .
    passdb {
        driver = pam
    pop3_uidl_format = %f
    protocols = imap lmtp
    service auth {
        unix_listener /var/spool/postfix/private/auth {
          group = postfix
          mode = 0660
          user = postfix
    service imap-login {
        inet_listener imap {
          port = 143
        inet_listener imaps {
          port = 993
          ssl = yes
        process_min_avail = 1
        service_count = 0
    service imap {
        process_limit = 1024
    service lmtp {
        unix_listener lmtp {
          mode = 0666
    ssl = required
    ssl_cert = <***
    ssl_cipher_list = ECDHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305:ALL:!LOW:!SSLv2:!EXP:!aNULL
    ssl_key =  # hidden, use -P to show it
    ssl_prefer_server_ciphers = yes
    userdb {
        driver = passwd
    protocol imap {
        mail_max_userip_connections = 50

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