thank you for all replies.

On Thu, October 13, 2022 9:22 am, Joseph Tam wrote:

> to obtain session transcripts of what server/client are doing.
> I don't see any obvious errors from the logs that indicate any failure.
> I do see the INBOX is rather large so maybe a timeout is involved.

Joseph, yes, it has around 114437 emails

# ls  |wc
 114437  114437 6800828

I've enabled logging as per your suggestion:

-rw------- 1 vmail vmail     127 Oct 16 21:38
-rw------- 1 vmail vmail 8546603 Oct 16 21:38 20221016-213738.25640.1.out
-rw------- 1 vmail vmail      96 Oct 16 21:58
-rw------- 1 vmail vmail 8343463 Oct 16 21:58 20221016-215757.26075.1.out

# cat
1665916659.491025 STAT
1665916659.550829 LIST
1665916676.430794 UIDL
1665916693.761281 RETR 114437
1665916694.440965 QUIT
# cat
1665917878.786953 STAT
1665917878.863136 LIST
1665917905.610805 UIDL
1665917924.491198 QUIT

what should I look in the .out file ?

some of the file is like:

1665916661.234807 114436 70097
1665916661.234814 114437 154498
1665916661.234821 .
1665916676.430870 +OK
1665916676.981415 1 000024b95283283a
1665916676.981459 2 000024ba5283283a

1665916679.434297 114436 00033fcf5283283a
1665916679.434327 114437 00033fd05283283a
1665916679.434349 .
1665916694.048139 +OK 154498 octets
1665916694.048199 Return-Path: <>

on an uneducated guess, the mailbox is just 'too large' ?
POP has difficulty handling so many files ?

On Thu, October 13, 2022 5:44 am, Brendan Braybrook wrote:
> maybe send the protocol debug out of thunderbird to the list too? (that'd
> show exactly what pop3 command thunderbird was hanging on).


thanks, I'll try the server logging first, as I can do it myself

On Thu, October 13, 2022 10:23 am, Jim Popovitch wrote:
> On Fri, 1665532449-12-31 at 00:00 +0000, Voytek Eymont wrote:

>> Date: 1665532450

> Why is your "Date:" header set to 1665532450?


I think it's an issue with SquirrelMail, I think I've seen it before,


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