On 2022-10-14 14:13, Marc wrote:
I hope it is ok to post this off-topic question here. I was wondering if there are here environments running that offer next to dovecot also calendar and contacts services. In the past I was testing a bit with the one from Apple, but I think it is being discontinued because of converting the python 2 code.

I am looking for some experience with a setup provisioning >10k users. Not that I have such requirement, but I want to know if the solution is stable, efficient and optionally can scale. I need something efficient, because I do not have to many resources and high iops available. I also do not want any other other 'crap' just the cal (and card) dav solution.

This looks interesting (used 1und1 in Germany?) but not big community

This is in php ...

Hi there,

I tried Roundcube Calendar and Tasks List plugins from Kolab, tbh they are good, and I would recommend them yet SOGo seems that it stands out in terms of layout and mobile mode smooth performance given RC one its PHP/JS based with caching perhaps can outplay the latter as SOGo is fully AJAX frontend based it plays smoothly in mobile mode imho better than RC thats so static. In RC, I was able to import directly from email to Calendar some events in ICS format and it worked like a charm. I think RC its great too and can scale efficiently as long as you configure the webserver and its load balancing solution properly.

Btw I ought to note that I am genuinely not a spam, and my email TLD was blocked by your mail server when CC'ed this email.

Good luck.


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