Okay, I could have enabled debug log earlier, than that would have been easy... Thanks for the hint.

The key is to specify the sieve script inside the sieve directory without the .sieve suffix, i.e.:

a SETMETADATA test (/shared/imapsieve/script "imap")

which points to sieve/imap.sieve in the user's homedir.

Now it loads the script:

Debug: Mailbox test: Mailbox opened because: UID move
Debug: imapsieve: mailbox test: MOVE event
Debug: imapsieve: mailbox test: Mailbox attribute /shared/imapsieve/script points to Sieve script `imap' Debug: sieve: file script: Opened script `imap' from `/srv/vmail/username/sieve/imap.sieve' Debug: sieve: Opening script 1 of 1 from `/srv/vmail/username/sieve/imap.sieve'
Debug: sieve: Loading script /srv/vmail/username/sieve/imap.sieve
Debug: sieve: Script `imap' from /srv/vmail/username/sieve/imap.sieve successfully compiled
Debug: sieve: Executing script from `/srv/vmail/username/sieve/imap.sieve'

On 27.10.2022 23:33, Paul Kudla wrote:

ok fair enuff

are you using a db to set the dir's

there is a master sieve (all) directory that handles the entire server (message duplicate supression etc)

mine is in

[17:26:12] mail18.scom.ca [root:0] /usr/local/etc/dovecot/sieve
# ll
total 38
drwxr-xr-x  2 vmail  vmail  uarch    4B Apr  2  2022 .
drwxr-xr-x  5 root   wheel  uarch   29B Oct 27 07:41 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 vmail  vmail  uarch   97B Apr  2  2022 duplicates.sieve
-rw-r--r--  1 vmail  vmail  uarch  227B Apr  2  2022 duplicates.svbin

[17:26:17] mail18.scom.ca [root:0] /usr/local/etc/dovecot/sieve

from there each user (assuming dovecot config is correct will have it's own sieve folder under the maildir

example :

# mbox ab...@scom.ca

[17:27:24] mail18.scom.ca [root:0] /data/dovecot/users/scom.ca/ab...@scom.ca
# ll
total 293
drwx------   11 vmail  vmail  uarch   25B Oct 27 16:48 .
drwx------  164 vmail  vmail  uarch  164B Oct 27 06:52 ..
drwx------    5 vmail  vmail  uarch    8B Oct 27 16:48 .Drafts
drwx------    5 vmail  vmail  uarch    8B Oct 27 16:48 .Sent
drwx------    5 vmail  vmail  uarch    8B Oct 27 16:48 .Trash
-rw-------    1 vmail  vmail  uarch  1.4K Oct 26 16:49 .dovecot.lda-dupes
drwx------    5 vmail  vmail  uarch    7B Oct 27 16:48 .dovecot.lda-dupes.locks
drwx------    2 vmail  vmail  uarch    2B Oct 26 16:48 cur
-rw-------    1 vmail  vmail  uarch  8.3K Oct 26 16:49 dovecot-uidlist
-rw-------    1 vmail  vmail  uarch    8B Oct 26 16:49 dovecot-uidvalidity
-r--r--r--    1 vmail  vmail  uarch    0B Oct 26 16:48 dovecot-uidvalidity.63599d11
-rw-------    1 vmail  vmail  uarch  3.7K Oct 27 16:48 dovecot.index
-rw-------    1 vmail  vmail  uarch   34K Oct 27 16:48 dovecot.index.cache
-rw-------    1 vmail  vmail  uarch  644B Oct 27 16:48 dovecot.index.log
-rw-------    1 vmail  vmail  uarch   40K Oct 27 16:48 dovecot.index.log.2
-rw-------    1 vmail  vmail  uarch  968B Oct 27 16:48 dovecot.list.index
-rw-------    1 vmail  vmail  uarch  1.7K Oct 27 16:48 dovecot.list.index.log -rw-------    1 vmail  vmail  uarch  8.2K Oct 27 16:48 dovecot.list.index.log.2
-rw-------    1 vmail  vmail  uarch   96B Oct 26 16:48 dovecot.mailbox.log
drwx------    2 vmail  vmail  uarch    9B Oct 26 16:49 lucene-indexes
-rw-------    1 vmail  vmail  uarch    0B Oct 26 16:48 maildirfolder
drwx------    2 vmail  vmail  uarch  142B Oct 26 16:49 new
drwx------    3 vmail  vmail  uarch    6B Oct 26 16:49 sieve
-rw-------    1 vmail  vmail  uarch   29B Oct 26 16:48 subscriptions
drwx------    2 vmail  vmail  uarch    2B Oct 26 16:49 tmp

and then :

[17:27:42] mail18.scom.ca [root:0] /data/dovecot/users/scom.ca/ab...@scom.ca/sieve
# ll
total 67
drwx------   3 vmail  vmail  uarch    6B Oct 26 16:49 .
drwx------  11 vmail  vmail  uarch   25B Oct 27 16:48 ..
lrwx------   1 vmail  vmail  uarch   13B Oct 27 16:48 .dovecot.sieve -> forward.sieve
-rw-------   1 vmail  vmail  uarch  239B Oct 26 16:49 .dovecot.svbin
-rw-------   1 vmail  vmail  uarch   31B Oct 26 16:48 forward.sieve
drwx------   2 vmail  vmail  uarch    2B Oct 26 16:48 tmp

[17:27:44] mail18.scom.ca [root:0] /data/dovecot/users/scom.ca/ab...@scom.ca/sieve

for a user script to be active you need to set the script active (after uploading etc?) which creates a link from dovecot.sieve to the script and a .svbin file (i believe, this is an observation on my side)

if all this is setup properly then the script should execute?

please note my system is db driven and i am using virtual maildir's

if you are doing this manually then make sure the dovecot's user right's are correct

you are probably far enough along the set

mail_debug = yes

in dovecot.conf (remember to restart the server)

this should dump a wack of logging somewhere (file or syslog)

sieve or pigeonhole will be in there when you try to do something



Happy Thursday !!!
Thanks - paul

Paul Kudla

Scom.ca Internet Services <http://www.scom.ca>
004-1009 Byron Street South
Whitby, Ontario - Canada
L1N 4S3

Toronto 416.642.7266
Main 1.866.411.7266
Fax 1.888.892.7266
Email p...@scom.ca

On 10/27/2022 4:06 PM, Sebastian Bachmann wrote:

On 27.10.2022 13:54, Paul Kudla wrote:
again may (probably not) what you are looking for but it at least gives another example(s)

No, actually I was looking for something different. The TO and me were looking for imapsieve examples and how they can be configured on a per user & per mailbox basis.

I tried now some things, and I'm at least one step further. The important parts seemed to be:

* Set `imapsieve_url = sieve://server:4190` (is that correct?)

Now you can add the metadata, for example to the mailbox "test":
a SETMETADATA test (/shared/imapsieve/script "sieve/imap.sieve")

However, from this point on it does not work. I created a very simple example, which should simple copy any mail that is moved into the folder (right?):

require ["copy"];
redirect :copy "some_other_email_address";

but it looks like the script is never started.
Is this because I mis-configured the path? Or something else? It is in the same folder as I store the other scripts, i.e., ~/sieve (the normal sieve scripts work fine)


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