dovecot 2.3.13


I'm looking for a way to make director use a user@domain that is returned by the database for hashing but actually send the original user@domain in the proxied request. I cannot seem to find a way.

I can change the name used for hashing by just returning a different user from the db. but that user is also the one that is send in the proxied request.

this is what I have so far:

director_username_hash = %L{user}

# relevant sql:

password_query = SELECT \
    username as user, \ # -> this is used for hashing if destuser is not present. = OK
    NULL as password, \
    'y' as proxy, \
    'y' as nopassword, \
   '%n@%d' as destuser \ # -> but as soon as I add this, this is used for hashing = !OK
  FROM dovecot_data('%n', '%d')

Anyone know any clever tricks to accomplish this?


(background: I've inherited a mail setup where mailboxes have multiple logins. (those all share the same 'home' for their maildirs). I need all of these to go to the same server. Most ideal would be hashing on home '%h' instead of %u :)).

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