
I am using dovecot 2.3.16, along with postfix and a PostgreSQL database for 
managing virtual accounts.

I'd like to start using the mail-crypt plugin. However, I'm having a bit some 
difficulty understanding the documentation at 


to reach my goal. I plan to ask questions about those issues by starting new 
threads in this mailing list. But before I even come to that, I'd like to 
investigate the following:

The above documentation only addresses a clean install and doesn't seem to 
mention encrypting already existent unencrypted mails, like my server has. Is 
it possible to encrypt those before I start using the mail-crypt plugin, such 
that it will be able to decrypt those messages as well?

If it is, I am assuming that how I would go about achieving that will be very 
dependent on the ultimate configuration I have in mind (pub/priv keys, etc.). 
So I don't expect a full-fledged guide. However, if you could perhaps give a 
general overview of what would be needed to achieve this, I would very much 
appreciate that.

Thank you.

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