Due to a recent topic regarding the performance of the Roundcube webmailer with 
Dovecot as a backend, I set up imapproxy successfully, shrinking the response 
latency of the webmailer heavily, which is great.

However, I still encounter strange timeouts on some requests when Roundcube 
tries to access Dovecot. Be it for authentication or to FETCH data. I run the 
tests/benchmarks via distributed JMeter from 4 nodes, they access the webmailer 
which in turn accesses the Dovecot via imapproxy. There are 16 different 
mailaccounts spread over two dovecot nodes with the first one acting as a proxy 
if the account resides on the second. The problems start at around 100 
concurrent users and gets worse the more users are added.

The timeouts make up for a small percentage of the requests (0.0something 
percent). The timeout is reached after 30 seconds of Dovecot not answering, due 
to the timeout set in the webserver the webmailer is running on.

Now I am wondering how to further debug this and what could be the reason. Some 
requests towards Dovecot are certainly taking longer than 30 seconds, while the 
average request takes mostly less than 1. The Dovecot is running on two big 
hardware machines with 48 cores, 96G memory and SSD storage. The load on the 
Dovecot nodes while the test is running is minimal.

Best regards,

M. Schmidt

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