On 23. Feb 2023, at 16.13, Leander Beernaert <leander.beerna...@proton.ch> 
> Hey,
> We recently announced Gluon (https://github.com/ProtonMail/gluon/) our IMAP 
> server library we are using in Proton 
> Bridge(https://github.com/ProtonMail/proton-bridge). We would love to have it 
> have it listed in the IMAP Server Compliancy Status wiki page 
> (https://imapwiki.org/ImapTest/ServerStatus). What do we need to do or whom 
> do we need to contact to make this happen?

There was so much spam that we disabled all outside access to the wiki. Maybe 
we should move it to github/sphinx similarly to doc.dovecot.org 
<http://doc.dovecot.org/> so we could get pull requests instead. For now just 
email me what you want there and I can add it.

> Additionally, We have been using running imaptest 
> (https://github.com/dovecot/imaptest) against our server library, but due to 
> variety of configuration parameters, we would really appreciate it (if 
> possible) if someone could point out to us the test setup used to validate 
> each of those servers.

I updated the page to specify how the different columns can be tested. It's the 
same for all servers.

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