> On 20/03/2023 13:21 EET Felix Auringer <felix.auringer@giz.berlin> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have an issue with debug logging when using a custom plugin for Dovecot. In 
> my plugin, I create a child event of the session's user event:
> ```c
> struct event *plugin_event = event_create(list->ns->user->event);
> event_set_name(plugin_event, "oidc_shared_mailboxes_plugin");
> event_set_min_log_level(plugin_event, LOG_TYPE_WARNING);
> event_set_append_log_prefix(plugin_event, "oidc-shared-mailboxes-plugin: ");
> ```
> I then use passthrough events like the following:
> ```
> e_debug(event_create_passthrough(data->event)->event(), "Modified 
> mailbox_list_iter_init was called.");
> e_warning(event_create_passthrough(event)->event(), "Did not find required 
> key 'roles' in the JWT body.");
> ```
> `e_warning` and `e_error` work fine.
> If I understand the documentation for the unified event filtering 
> (https://doc.dovecot.org/configuration_manual/event_filter/#unified-filter-language)
>  correctly, I should be able to enable debug logging for with `log_debug = 
> event="oidc_shared_mailboxes_plugin"`. However, this setting has no influence 
> on the logging behavior. The setting I have to set for the debug logging to 
> work is `mail_debug = yes` (I do not have to set `log_debug` at all).
> Is this intended behavior or am I doing something wrong?
> Best regards,
> Felix Auringer
> Here is the output of `dovecot -n` (I removed the passdb, userdb, namespace, 
> service, and managesieve settings as they cluttered the output):
> Felix Auringer
> IT


Usually this is used like this:

const struct event_category cat_oidc = {
 .name = "oidc"

struct event *plugin_event = event_create(list->ns->user->event);
event_add_category(plugin_event, &cat_oid);
event_set_append_log_prefix(plugin_event, "oidc-shared-mailboxes-plugin: ")


e_debug(plugin_event, "foo");
e_warning(plugin_event, "bar");

now you can do

log_debug = category=oidc


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