On 11/3/2023 14:23:48, joe a wrote:
Working dovecot 2.3, wish to be able to implement "server side" filtering.

My understanding is that is done with "sieve".  My further understanding is that "dovecot-pigeonhole" and be used to manage "sieve" in some fashion.

Attempting to compile dovecot-2.3-pigeonhole-0.5.21 proves problematic due to its inability to find dovecot-config.  Which is not astonishing as, on my system dovecot-config does not exist, dovecot having been installed as a vendor configure package.   Sadly, no vendor package or binary is provided for dovecot-pigeonhole.  At least that I am aware of.  OS is opensuse LEAP 15.5.

Any helpful commentary is welcome.  Honest.
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