On 01/06/2024 20:23, Adam Miller via dovecot wrote:

Thank you!

At the time, I was trying to get the most basic of quotas working which I have now successfully accomplished! I am happy report that I also have the warning emails working.


Is it possible that instead of a bash script for the warning emails to use a Python script instead?

Never been a fan of python, too much of a resource hog, even compared to perl, but as long as the variables are interpreted correctly, yes it should work.

I also must investigate load balancing or at the very least, determining the best approach to scalability and high availability.

We've used NFS for years without problems, never used dovecot's director service either, however we use hardware load balancers, done right, this is simplest and most robust method, add/delete/down-for-update front end servers at your will without affecting anything, as for backend, don't use junk, I've found EMC storage gear very reliable, but know that NetApp is too.

Over the years I've read about and witnessed many businesses with multi-day outages using clustered file systems that take out everything when they have a hissy fit, so I avoid them at all cost. NFS might be simplicity, but that means far fewer things to go wrong, and why some very large well known mail providers use it too.

Noel Butler
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