Lukas Theussl wrote:

Vincent Siveton wrote:

Mainly for Dennis who kindly suggests to do the release, here are some
doc issues:

I have built all of doxia plus the site-plugin and deployed new snapshots. I'll give you guys until tomorrow to pull the breaks, if something is still missing. Then I'll put together the release bits for voting.

* publish the site decoration descriptor XSD and the associated doc.
Actually, it is decoration-1.0.0.xsd but I would prefer to name it
decoration-1.0.0-alpha-9.xsd. WDYT?
Moreover, where to publish it? in ? or ? IMHO, the second one seems to be
the right place.

The issue for this is now at DOXIASITETOOLS-1 (moved from the site-plugin).

I just had a look at this, the generated xsd suffers from the same modello bugs that I mentioned at DOXIA-136 (attributes are written as elements). Since it's practically unusable, I wouldn't bother publishing it, even as an alpha...

* since fml descriptor is buggy (DOXIA-136), we shouldn't publish it.

So we will not be publishing any xsd this time around. We'll have to put some work into getting modello to do what we want. Hopefully for the next release...

* we need (short) reference pages for FML and xdoc [1].

Already done, as noted.

* We need to publish also the dev sites of doxia and doxia-sitetools.
I suggest to put them at like on
the maven site. WDYT?

I've changed distributionManagement so that we have this structure of the site:

doxia           ->
doxia-sitetools ->
site            ->

There are several sub-project sites that have been deployed once already in a preliminary state [1], I think we can remove those pages and just put the top-level sites of doxia/ and doxia-sitetools/, which contain the links to all sub-modules. And put some links there from the main doxia site (Developer docs, or so).

I added site.xml files for doxia and doxia-sitetools which includes a skin and the modules menu. Also added a "Developer docs" menu in site.

I agree that we should remove the old published docs when the new site has been deployed.






2007/9/4, Dennis Lundberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Hi all

Just trying to sum up all remaining issues for the release. This is what
I have left on my checklist:

- Await [vote] to include doxia-book and doxia-maven-plugin. The vote
ends on friday the 7th.

Vote finished and components has been moved.

If someone has something else please speak up now.

Vincent, if the vote passes, when will you have time to promote the them
from the sandbox?

I can prepare the proposed release bits over the weekend if we are done
by then.

Dennis Lundberg

Dennis Lundberg

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