See my comment at

In short: yes it would be easier and it would have spared us a lot of pain in the past if apt would handle links like everyone else. But changing that now we would IMO risk more by confusing users and breaking things than we gain by a more intuitive behavior.

However, given our history of breaking things (especially wrt anchors/links) I am not categorically opposed to changing stuff. :) Just if we decide to go for it then we should either do it now for beta-1, or postpone it until after 1.0-final.


Benjamin Bentmann wrote:

According to the APT Reference [0] and the output delivered by the Maven Site Plugin 2.0-beta-6, the construct


denotes an internal link to the anchor "foo" in the current document. I believe this kind of linking is inconsistent/unintuitive and hence error-prone.

For example, {{{dir/doc.pdf}baa}} will render an external link as expected. Now let's move doc.pdf up one directory. The appealing snippet {{{doc.pdf}baa}} will not give you the desired external link but out of a sudden an internal link. To get the desired link, users need to write {{{./doc.pdf}baa}}.

Wouldn't it be easier, both for users and the parser, if APT would handle links just like the well-known HTML format? I.e. a link is internal if and only if it starts with '#'.

What do you think?



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