On 28-Apr-08, at 12:18 PM, Vincent Massol wrote:

On Apr 28, 2008, at 3:49 PM, Jason van Zyl wrote:

I was looking at the TOC macro and I feel what it's doing is wrong insofar as requiring a second pass to get the structure of the document.

There are definitely cases where you need to make multiple passes and the TOC macro is clearly one of them. Having to pass in the the whole source document and the parser to make the TOC macro work seem extreme to me.

I think that we should declaratively say, or determine, that the structure of the document is required by something in the page. Preprocess the page in a general way and not require passing in the whole document and parser again as that's pretty cumbersome for the implementor of a parser.

In XWiki land, I parse the document once, which generates an AST of Blocks. Then this AST is passed to macros.

Right, this would be the same as parsing the document into a StructureSink, but this is still not necessary most of the time. A macro could say it required the StructureSink to operate on, or we just always parse into the StructureSink and modify this and then render it.

Note that one reason we build an in memory AST is to cache it in order to serve pages faster (no need to reparse static elements - only macros are reparsed).

Sure, but I think caching is orthogonal to this.

But passing in the parser and the document again to a macro is not good.


I also noticed that the parsers are not threadsafe, I don't believe this was always the case and we should make them threadsafe again if it's true they aren't. I just looked at the APT parser and it doesn't look threadsafe to me but wouldn't take much to make it threadsafe.

I would like to take a pass at making the document structure requirement more general to avoid things like we're doing in the TOC macro. I would also like to take a pass at making the parsers threadsafe.

I think we should also just release 1.0 for the sake of the site plugin and then move on with the next version of Doxia. We need to remove the coupling of doxia to the site plugin and move the core back to a simple set of parsers and sinks.





Jason van Zyl
Founder,  Apache Maven
jason at sonatype dot com

Three people can keep a secret provided two of them are dead.

-- Unknown

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