

2008/5/13, Lukas Theussl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
>  I'd like to fix http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/DOXIA-208
> in beta-1 still to avoid possible breaking changes later on. I am a bit
> confused about APT though as we seem to have a lot of different standards
> floating around in our own docs. Just to make sure I am on the right track,
> this is how I understand that things should work, which we should enforce in
> beta-1:
>  1) external links are links that start with http:/ , https:/ , ftp:/ ,
> file:/ , mailto: , ../ , or ./  (Windows-style ..\  and .\  are NOT allowed
> contrary to the original apt docs).
>  This means in particular that links to other source documents have to start
> with ./ or ../, ie something like {{getting-started/index.html}} is NOT
> valid, you nee to pre-pend ./ (just to be clear: this is APT specific, the
> above link would be valid in an xdoc).
>  2) internal links are links to anchors within the same source document, eg
> "Link to {{anchor}}". Anchors have to be valid id's as defined in the Sink
> javadocs for anchor() [1].
>  This means in particular that links to anchors must not start with "#", eg
> all the links in the beginning of [2] are NOT valid.
>  Does that sound reasonable? The alternative would be to handle links a la
> HTML, ie to mark internal links with "#" as suggested at DOXIA-208, this
> would render the examples at [2] valid.
>  Any comments/objections?
>  -Lukas
>  [1]
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/maven/doxia/doxia/trunk/doxia-sink-api/src/main/java/org/apache/maven/doxia/sink/Sink.java
>  [2]
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/maven/site/trunk/src/site/apt/pom.apt

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