For reference: the XhtmlBaseParser in Doxia 1.1.1 emits entities as text, except if they are not recognized (ie haven't been declared), then they are emitted as unknown events.


Vincent Siveton wrote:
Hi Lukas,

2009/5/4 Lukas Theussl <>:

I'm trying to understand some of the issues we have with entities in the
XmlParser. Is there a special reason why entities are emitted as rawText and
not text?

The text used by XhtmlBaseParser#handleEntity() could contain
predefined entities [1] and numeric code entities (ie &AElig; will
become &#198; by XmlPullParser)
XhtmlBaseSink#text() escapes chars and XhtmlBaseSink#rawText() not.

So using rawText() is to be sure to not escape text with entities.

I think they should be emitted as text:

First, custom entities can be used to simply define some replacement text
inside documents (eg <!ENTITY version "1.0">).

Second, the resulting events should be consumable by all sinks, not just
x(ht)ml based ones. Consider for instance the text "&amp;&AElig;" (where
AElig is defined as <!ENTITY AElig  "&#198;">). Currently it is emitted by
the XhtmlBaseParser as one text event "&" and one rawText event "&#198;".
This means that eg the Latex Sink will produce wrong output (the AElig
should be converted to "\AE" in latex).

IMO the resolved entity should be emitted in a format-independent way, eg as
one (unicode?) character, just like &amp; is emitted as one character above.
The consuming sink then has to transform that into a format-specific

It could be another implementation.
XhtmlBaseParser#handleEntity() could unescape xml and call only sink.text()




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