I assume you are only having trouble with the doxia book code/doxia maven
plugin, which is different from the maven pdf plugin (
http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-pdf-plugin/). I consider the book code
unmaintained and immature, I actually thought of deprecating it if nobody
comes up to give it some care. However, there are a few issues open related
to your problem (are you aware in particular of DOXIA-354, DOXIA-355?), I
would certainly consider patches if they are accompanied by reproducible
test cases...


On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 7:38 PM, Steve Jerman <stjer...@cisco.com> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> At present Doxia (specifically the PDF plugin) only supports images with
> URLs taken from the classpath or as absolute URLs. This doesn¹t affect
> normal site generation since that just passes through the URL without
> resolution and so everything works OK.
> However, the PDF plugin tries to resolve the path names to images and with
> a
> normal maven site/resources/images layout that that won¹t work. The reason
> is that the Œbase¹ for resolving relative  file paths URLs is wrong by
> default.
> If I use the following pom config:
>            <plugin>
>                <groupId>org.apache.maven.doxia</groupId>
>                <artifactId>doxia-maven-plugin</artifactId>
>                <version>1.1.3-SNAPSHOT</version>
>                <executions>
>                    <execution>
>                        <phase>site</phase>
>                        <goals>
>                            <goal>render-books</goal>
>                        </goals>
>                    </execution>
>                </executions>
>                <configuration>
> <generatedDocs>${project.build.directory}/site</generatedDocs>
>                    <books>
>                        <book>
>                            <directory>src/site/apt</directory>
>                            <descriptor>src/site/dev-guide.xml</descriptor>
>                            <formats>
>                                <format>
>                                    <id>pdf</id>
>                                </format>
>                            </formats>
>                        </book>
>                    </books>
>                </configuration>
>            </plugin>
> And change the location that Œitext.basedir¹ is set to (in 3-4 places...).
> org.apache.maven.doxia.book.services.renderer.AbstractITextBookRenderer
> org.apache.maven.doxia.docrenderer.itext.AbstractITextRender
> org.apache.maven.doxia.docrenderer.pdf.itext.ITextPdfRenderer
> org.apache.maven.doxia.module.itext.ITextSink
> To..
>        System.setProperty( "itext.basedir",
> bookFile.getParentFile().getParentFile().getAbsolutePath() );
> So that it looks two levels up rather than one level up... Everything seems
> to work OK.
> What the changes do are:
> Generate the PDF to the site directory rather than it¹s own directory.
> Create the site before generating PDFs .. note this puts the images in a
> Œknown place¹ relative to the PDF output.
> Set up the base for resolution to be consistent for both html and pdf
> generation.
> So... having said that, I¹m wondering what do to do next..
> This change isn¹t entirely backwards compatible (but maybe someone can
> figure out a way to make it so). I will create a patch for the change but
> am
> not sure if it is worth doing if it isn¹t backwards compatible.. The
> alternative is to keep a private version...
> I know that a colleague of mine raised a Jira (
> http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/DOXIA-356) on this subject.
> Any thoughts?
> Steve

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