Actually, did you try this:


this seems to work for me...


Lukas Theussl wrote:
This was pointed out only recently: [1,2]. I'm not sure where the problem is but probably this should be filed for the site plugin, as on the doxia level everything seems to work.



David Delbecq wrote:


i tried to find out documentation on how to use docbook for site
generation in maven. I found out from the simple docbook module that the
directory must be named "docbook" and the files must have extension
"xml". I have this directory structure:

$ ls src/site/docbook/

however, after i run mvn site, i don't see in target/site my docbook.html, and see no error in the run. Other formats (apt, xdoc) work properly.
Do i need to add something to get this working? I tried


But it doesn't seem to have any effect. Here are useful information about running environment:

$ mvn --version
Maven version: 2.0.9
Java version: 1.6.0_06
OS name: "linux" version: "2.6.24-16-generic" arch: "i386" Family: "unix"

$ mvn -U help:describe -Dplugin=site
[INFO] Plugin: 'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-site-plugin:2.0-beta-6'
Group Id:  org.apache.maven.plugins
Artifact Id: maven-site-plugin
Version:     2.0-beta-6
Goal Prefix: site

Maven Plugins

David Delbecq

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