Hi Dave,

The main problem is that you need to use a custom build of the maven core because of [1]. The current trunk of 2.0.x branch has already doxia bumped to beta-1, so you can just install from svn (the current 2.0.10 RCs have the doxia dep reverted so they won't work).

After that you have to make sure that no doxia-alpha's are brought in transitively from any plugins, I remember specifically the site-plugin and project-info-report-plugin, with their deps on reporting tools (maven-reporting-impl/api, doxia-tools), causing trouble. You will have to install those with updated deps as well.

It's not very convenient so I don't really want to promote it for now, but we are trying to get beta-1 out soon now, so it can be used in maven-2.0.11, see [2]. In the meantime, any testing feedback will be welcome!


[1] http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-3402
[2] http://docs.codehaus.org/display/MAVEN/Doxia+Release+Plan

Dave Syer wrote:

Since you find the unpublished versions of Doxia more usable, would you be
able to share with us how to configure and use them?  I tried a couple of
times just setting the <version/> of doxia-maven-plugin to
1.0-beta-1-SNAPSHOT (and various other flavours) and all I got was plexus
class loader issues and a build error with no hints about what I did wrong.


Lukas Theussl-3 wrote:

No, no idea when beta-1 will be released. It's been formally ready since a while but there was some resistance because we made some API changes which could cause backward compatibility problems. The current maven-2.0.x core branch is running with doxia-beta-1 but it is not yet used by the site-plugin which means it hasn't got any real-world testing. That said, it's far more usable for me...


sandraB wrote:

Do you have an approximative release date for the next published version

Lukas Theussl-3 wrote:

There were several issues in the book module that are fixed in the (unpublished) beta-1 version of doxia, see eg [1,2,3]. I suspect at least some of those are responsible for what you see but it's hard to be sure with the info that you provide. You can attach a complete test project to jira if you want someone to check.


[1] http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/DOXIA-157
[2] http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/DOXIA-160
[3] http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/DOXIA-166

sandraB wrote:


I'm trying to use doxia plugins to generate a pdf book and a xdoc files
generate the site, but I've got several errors : - The doxia:render-books generate xdoc files with a end-tag </document>
the end of the files but without any start-tag <document> ==> I've got a
parser exception in the next step
- When I generate the site (site:site and site:run), the
http://localhost:8080 show website without any styles and img.
- The pdf files is not formated correctly. The sections, subsections,
tags, <li> tags, ... have disappeared.
Could you please help me to resolve these issues ?

Thanks in advance

Here is my pom.xml :

</plugin> <plugin>

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