Doxia 1.1 (current trunk) has changed the apt format, section titles are NOT implicit anchors anymore. The corresponding docs are in SVN [1], they will be pushed to the site when 1.1 is released.

OTOH, for the alpha branch (used by all versions of released site plugins), this is a bug, it was discussed at [2]. It's probably not going to be fixed, I recommend that you use explicit anchors for section titles, for the reasons given in that discussion and for the sake of future compatibility.



Trevor Harmon wrote:
The APT reference in the Doxia documentation says:

  "Section titles are implicitly defined anchors."

I assume this means I can create an anchor link to a section without having to explicitly define an anchor for that section.

I've tried to use this feature by putting the name of a top-level section between double curly braces (e.g., {{Installation}}), and it does create an anchor link in the HTML (e.g., <a href="#Installation">), but it doesn't go anywhere. There's no corresponding anchor in the HTML (e.g., <a name="Installation">).

It all works as expected if I explicitly make an anchor out of the section title.

Is this a bug, or have I misunderstood the documentation? Thanks,


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