hi everyone
is there any way to add images to the popup menu? for some reason the css file doesnt work on my machine... ;(

"Shawn K. Hall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello all,

The attached is a new search for the 'iCapture' service at
http://www.danvine.com/icapture/ - it provides you with the ability to
see what a page looks like in a Safari 1.2 browser on a Mac. This is a
good thing for those of us that do web-design and need to 'look at'
our pages on a Mac but don't want to actually have one. ;)

It only takes a screen-shot of the top 'view' of the page, but that's
usually enough to get a clue of how it's supposed to look.

This is how the iCapture service describes itself:

"iCapture is provided as a public service to the 97% of
the computing world without macs. Standing tall, we 3%
hereby declare "we too have a browser".

"So go on, give it a try by entering your URL above.
You'll be delivered a screenshot of your site as a Mac
sees it through the Safari version of your choice, all
in 30 seconds or so. (Assuming the queue is empty)

"Come back as often as you would like."

For DQSD Search coders, this script provides a good sample of how to
retrieve form information (such as a GUID or other 'unique' login
profile) from the site before actually posting the form. It's a neat
solution to some of our difficulties in getting searches to do what we
need them to.

icap url-to-process
icap /home


icap http://reliableanswers.com/x/dqsd/
icap dqsd.net

Any advice/thoughts are very much appreciated!


Shawn K. Hall

'// ========================================================
"It seems to be the more you know about life, the more
you get out of it."
-- Lou Larry Hoover

RIAA Radar Search
Shawn K. Hall

View a URL as it looks in Safari 1.1 on Macintosh

/home - Just go to iCapture's website
url - URL to preview


icap /home
icap http://ReliableAnswers.com/
icap www.dqsd.net


This search file was created by Shawn K. Hall
Copyright (c) 2004 Shawn K. Hall; Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 2

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