--On Wednesday, February 09, 2005 9:43 AM -0500 Gregory Krohne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Google maps are now in beta.

This DQSD search update adds a /maps switch to use Google maps. If you
haven't tried Google maps, take the tour.

The search terms are so flexible, you can enter almost anything on the
DQSD search line and get useful results. Try it!

gg /maps Flying Biscuit in Atlanta
gg /maps Key West, Florida to Ozette, Washington
gg /maps hotels near Death Valley, CA
gg /maps 1400 Constitution Ave NE, Washington DC
gg /maps 28.37532148, -81.54955808


gg /maps miserable failure in washington,dc

Since this is an update to my copy of gg.xml, it also includes the Google
Video search.

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