Hi Shawn,

Thanks a lot for the pointers. Interesting stuff that I am trying to pull down from over my head. When you say to save as a html fine do you mean to do this like as in the comx.xml search?

Cheers, Tom.

Shawn K. Hall wrote:
Hi Tom,

I am working on a search for the daily static...I am
trying to figure out the pattern they use to come up
with the name so I can compose it given the date.

I would just use an XmlHttp hit the first time, pattern match "uf*.gif",
and then a second request for the image. This is some code I've migrated
from one of my homebrew samples. Save it as a new htm file:

'// ========================================================

<title> Test </title>

<script language="javascript">

var ksRoot = "http://www.userfriendly.org/cartoons/";;

function showImage( sImage ){
        var s = '';
        //attempt to obtain the content
          var sUrl  = "http://ars.userfriendly.org/cartoons/?id="; +
          var xmlHttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XmlHttp");
          xmlHttp.open("GET", sUrl, false);

        //get the response content from the remote site
          var sBody = xmlHttp.responseText;
          var rx = /(\/archives\/[0-9a-zA-Z]+\/uf[\d]+\.gif)/g;
          var r; var i = 0;
          if ((r = rx.exec(sBody)) != null){
            sParsed = r[1];
          sParsed = sParsed.substr(1);

          alert( "It didn't work!" + "\n" + e.number + "::" +

        var o = document.getElementById('testimg');
        o.src = ksRoot + sParsed;



<img src="http://12pointdesign.com/stock/images/ra-button.gif";
id="testimg" /> <br />

<a onclick="javascript:showImage('20060120');"> 20060120 </a> <br />
<a onclick="javascript:showImage('20060121');"> 20060121 </a> <br />
<a onclick="javascript:showImage('20060122');"> 20060122 </a> <br />
<a onclick="javascript:showImage('20060123');"> 20060123 </a> <br />

'// ========================================================

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