I created a search to fetch the NFL schedule for the current week adjusted by timezone much like the racetv search did... It will fetch week1 until the season starts September 7th, Then it will fetch the current weeks' schedule.

Note - The NFL considers Monday Night Football to be part of the prior weeks' schedule

US (default) /us
Central Timezone /central
Mountain Timezone /mountain
Pacific Timezone /pacific

All the timezone switches can be abbreviated.
All times are US Eastern by default.
The /popup switch will open in a popup window.
nfltv (US Eastern Schedule)
nfltv /pac (US Pacific Schedule)
nfltv /cen (US Central Schedule)
nfltv /cen /popup (US Central Schedule in a popup window)

I checked the search into CVS


<search function="nfltv">
   <name>NFL TV Coverage Schedule</name>
   <description>Displays a current TV listing of the NFL.
   <table class="helpboxDescTable">
      <tr><td><div class="helpboxDescLabels">Switches:</div></td></tr>
      <tr><td>US (default)</td><td>/us</td></tr>
      <tr><td>Central Timezone</td><td>/central</td></tr>
      <tr><td>Mountain Timezone</td><td>/mountain</td></tr>
      <tr><td>Pacific Timezone</td><td>/pacific</td></tr>
      <tr><td colspan="2"><div class="helpboxDescLabels">Notes:</div></td></tr>
      <tr><td colspan="2">All the timezone switches can be abbreviated.</td></tr>
      <tr><td colspan="2">All times are US Eastern by default.</td></tr>
      <tr><td colspan="2">The /popup switch will open in a popup window.</td></tr>
      <tr><td colspan="2"><div class="helpboxDescLabels">Examples:</div></td></tr>
      <tr><td>nfltv</td><td>(US Eastern Schedule)</td></tr>
      <tr><td>nfltv /pac</td><td>(US Pacific Schedule)</td></tr>
      <tr><td>nfltv /cen</td><td>(US Central Schedule)</td></tr>
      <tr><td>nfltv /cen /popup</td><td>(US Central Schedule in a popup)</td></tr>

   function getWeekNr(Month,Day)
   	var today = new Date()
   	var Year = today.getYear()
   	now = Date.UTC(Year,Month,Day+1,0,0,0);
   	var Firstday = new Date();
   	then = Date.UTC(Year,0,1,0,0,0);
   	var Compensation = Firstday.getDay();
   	if (Compensation > 3) Compensation -= 4;
   	else Compensation += 3;
   	NumberOfWeek =  Math.round((((now-then)/86400000)+Compensation)/7);
   	return NumberOfWeek;
   function takeYear(theDate)
   	x = theDate.getYear();
   	var y = x % 100;
   	y += (y < 38) ? 2000 : 1900;
   	return y;
   function calcweeknum(startweeknum,currweeknum) 
   	var weekdiff= (currweeknum - startweeknum);
   	return (weekdiff <1) ? 1 : weekdiff; 
   //the first week of the NFL schedule is September 7th
   var startweeknum=getWeekNr(9, 7);   
   var thisdate = new Date();
   var currmonth=thisdate.getMonth()+1;
   var currday=thisdate.getDate();
   var currweeknum=getWeekNr(currmonth, currday);  
   var schedweeknum=calcweeknum(startweeknum,currweeknum); 
   function nfltv(q){
   if( q == "?" ){
      qsfind("nfltv /function");
      return false;
   var urlstart="http://www.nfl.com/schedules";;
   var tzname="Eastern";
   var offset=0;
   var nfltboutfile = DQSDLauncher.AppDataDirectory + '\\nfltb.html'; 
   var args = parseArgs(q, "eastern,central,mountain,pacific");   
   var fileout=1;     
   //if the fileout switch was used, set the fileout flag to true and remove it
   if (q.search("/popup") >= 0) {
      q = q.replace("/popup", "");
   if ( args.switches.length > 0 ){
      for (i=0; i < args.switches.length; i++){
         switch( args.switches[i].name ){
         case "eastern":  tzname="Eastern";offset=0;break;
         case "central":  tzname="Central";offset=1;break;
         case "mountain": tzname="Mountain";offset=2;break;
         case "pacific":  tzname="Pacific";offset=3;break;
   var sUrl=urlstart;
   var xmlHttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XmlHttp");
   xmlHttp.open("GET", urlstart, false);
   //get the response content from the remote site
   var sBody = xmlHttp.responseText;
   rex = new RegExp ('\n', 'g') ;
   sBody = sBody.replace(rex, '\r') ;
   rex1 = new RegExp( '.+<a name="week' + schedweeknum + '"></a>', 'im' );
   rex2 = new RegExp('</table>'+'(.*)', 'im' );
   sBody = sBody.replace(rex1, '');
   sBody = sBody.replace(rex2, '');

   //generate an array of the return text
   var sBody_array=sBody.split("<tr");   
   for (var i = 3; i < sBody_array.length; i++) {
      var tsorig=sBody_array[i].match(/(\d?\d:\d\d\s+\w)/);
      // detect if tsorig is null (not matched)
      var tstest=tsorig*1;
      if (tstest != 0) {
         var begh=tsmatch_array[1];
         var begm=tsmatch_array[2];
         var ampm=tsmatch_array[3];
         for (var t = 0; t <offset; t++) {
         if (begh == 12 && ampm == 'a') {
            ampm = 'p';
         }else if (begh == 12 && ampm == 'p') {
            ampm = 'a';
         if (begh==0) {begh=12;}
         sBody_array[i]=sBody_array[i].replace(tsorig[1],begh+":"+begm+" "+ampm);

   var pagebody = "<html><head><style>.optselwhite {font-weight:bold; text-decoration:none;}";
   pagebody += ".bg0 {background-color:#8E9FBC; font-weight:bold; color:#FFFFFF;}";
   pagebody += ".bg1 {background-color:#B9B9B9; font-weight:bold;}";
   pagebody += ".bg2 {background-color:#E8E8EA;}";
   pagebody += ".bg4 {background-color:#CCCCCC;}";
   pagebody += "h4 {color:#900000;margin:0;}h5 {margin:0;}</style></head><body>";
   pagebody += "<center><h4>NFL Schedule</h4><h5>All times are "+tzname+"</h5>";
   pagebody += ""+sBody+"</table></center></body></html>";

   if (fileout == 1) {
      writeFile(nfltboutfile, pagebody);
      openSearchWindow("file://" + nfltboutfile);
      myWindow = window.open("", "nfltb", 'resizable,scrollbars,width=1000,height=700')
} //function

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