
I had this exact same problem many moons ago when I first setup Draco.NET for the 
first time here.
The problem is definitely privileges related.  I did some investigation, by stepping 
through the
source code.  What was happening was that when SS.EXE tried to create a temp file, the 
file would
get created but would always have a size of zero.  Error code 100 covers the set of 
all possible
errors that have ever existed, and will ever exist ad infinitum with VSS I'm afraid - 
therefore all
we care about is if it is non-zero.

Because of the 100 = everything problem, the privileges issue could be that the 
account the service
runs under doesnt have privileges to access the network drive - you seem to have 
mitigated this by
trying to use the local repository.  Therefore it could potentially be that SS.EXE 
fails to create
the tmp file for the history output.  

Currently, I have the draco service setup to run under a specific account - not log in 
as Local
System Account.  At this stage Al, all i can suggest is that you look at the 
privileges, and maybe
see where the tmp files are being created and check the privileges there.

Let us know how you get on.


"Calbazana, Al" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I've just set up Draco and ran into a snag.  No changes are found and no
> build is run.  Looking through the logs I get the following:
> 11/12/2003 1:50:35 PM - module1 : Checking module for changes
> 11/12/2003 1:50:35 PM - Check: 11/12/2003 11:42:37 AM
> 11/12/2003 1:50:35 PM - Check: 11/12/2003 11:42:37 AM
> 11/12/2003 1:50:35 PM - Detected path: E:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual
> Studio\Common\VSS\win32
> 11/12/2003 1:50:35 PM - HISTORY arguments: history "$/project" -R -I-N
> -Y"user,password " -Vd"11/12/2003;1:50 PM~11/12/2003;11:42 AM"
> 11/12/2003 1:50:35 PM - Warning: SS.EXE exit code: 100
> 11/12/2003 1:50:35 PM - Check: 0
> 11/12/2003 1:50:35 PM - module1 : Detected no changes to module
> My VSS repository is on a network share.  An earlier post (or the docs)
> suggested that the service be run under a domain account with sufficient
> rights to the repository.  After changing the properties on my service
> to run under a domain account however, I still get no changes w/ exit
> code 100.
> In an attempt to get things working, I tried pointing to a local
> repository and running under my local account.  I get the same results.
> I am running Draco 1.5 server.  I get the same results w/ either Nant as
> the build tool or devenv (vs 2003).  Any help on this would be
> appreciated.  I'd really like to get this service running.
> Thanks,
> Alejandro

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