Is it possible to tell Draco where to check the working copy of the source
out to?  

Here is why I ask this…

1.) We version control Nant itself along with any custom Nant tasks we have
written.  We want the Build server to be using the latest version of Nant
(along with our custom tasks) as we change it.  It would be very easy to
“upgrade” Nant on the build server if we had a controlled location to point

2.) We have a lot of our own source (and other things such as Nant, NDoc,
NUnit, etc...) in source control.  It is a lot of overhead to download all
the source each time to a different location - especially if perhaps only a
single file has changed.  If the source was checked out to a common
controlled location, only the diffs would be sent over the wire (instead of
approximately 30meg for us).

3.) I understand that we can create our own tasks (we use Subversion... does
anyone out there have any tasks for it??? :-) that can check out the source
for us to a controlled location.  This way, problems #1 and #2 would be
essentially solved (well... not really).  Now, however, there would be two
source trees - 30 meg that Draco would get check out each time (to a
different location) when a filed changed, and then the other tree would be
checked out and maintained by the Nant tasks themselves (only sending diffs
across the wire).  This seems rather wasteful as source tree that Draco
checked out would not be used.  It would only be slowing everything down.

Now, I also understand that this might have been by design to check out code
to a different location as this ensures a totally clean build each and every
time.  This is a very nice feature for those who need to get up and running
quickly.  However, most people should take time to create a decent "clean"
target that would allow a totally clean build without switching working

I like the idea of checking out to a separate location to ensure a clean
build for some, however in our case (and probably many others...), it would
be a nice thing to turn off and have a controlled working copy location.  If
Draco does not allow this currently, is this something that is in the works?

Also, I am curious to see what other people's interest is in this...
perhaps I am overlooking something and this is not a concern.  If it is,
perhaps I (and others) can help out.



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