Hi David 

> This is how we've currently got VSS, Draco and NAnt deployed:
> SCC <------ Build Tool ---> Output
>  ^             ^
>  |             |
>  |             |
>  |--- Draco ---|
> Why should the build widget be source control agnostic?  What 
> makes that "ideal"?  I'm open to education if there are good 
> reasons that I'm blissfully unaware of.  :)

Good designs have minimal dependencies.  Draco _has_ to know about the SCC (to perform
polling), and _has_ to know about the build tool (so that it can be kicked off).

The build tool does not have to know about the SCC (since it should be capable of 
the sources out with the presence of the SCC).  If this dependency can be removed, then
the overall system becomes less entangled.

If you distribute source code, then you might also want to distribute your build files 
your customer to enable them to build the executables and run the tests.  It is not
desirable to distribute the potentially sensitive SCC config details.

Another benefit is that you specify the config of the SCC in one place - Draco's 
If the build tool needs to talk to the SCC, then it will also need identical SCC config
information.  It would be too easy for two to get out of sync.

Of course you may also want to change SCC at some point.  If your build tool depends on
the SCC then you will need to choose a SCC supported by both Draco and the build tool. 
the minimal dependencies ideal world, you only have to worry about Draco.

That is all off the top of my head, but mostly it is a gut feeling (brought about by
experience) that by minimising dependencies life gets easier.  I don't expect everyone 
agree with me!

Note however, that deficiencies in Draco might well force someone to have the build 
also deal with the SCC.  For instance Draco does not allow SCC labels/tags to be 
or for version numbers to be stamped in AssemblyInfo.* files.  

> Thanx.


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