Hi Ron (and group) - 

I hesitate to post because I am very new to this mode, but I will give it a shot.

I have discovered through trial and error (much error I might add), that if you are 
sending out PSK so that you actually see the green LED light up, you are sending out a 
 r e a l l y  bad signal.  One guy told me last week when I was first experimenting 
that my signal was wiping out much of the band because I was overmodulating in a 
really BIG way.

I usually have my carrier gain at the 9 AM mark (on a 12 hour face) at the most - the 
bottom being about 7 AM, if you know what I mean.  So, no, the green LED light should 
NOT be lit at all when sending out PSK.

Secondly, you really have to control and turn down the audio out or "play" volume of 
the audio sound card you are using.

I still think that I am getting some RF on my mic line that is compromising my signal, 
probably because my mic line is NOT shielded, even though I have the line wrapped 
around a ferrite rod about 15 times, just before it enters the mic jack.  The guys on 
the air tell me you need a two conductor mic/audio line that is well shielded.

Also I have been fudging a bit in that I have not purchased the outboard PSK box that 
most of the people are using.  I think that also is contributing to some of the 
problem I have been having so far.

In practice, at most you should not be putting out more than about 10 or 15 watts when 
using the TR-7.  I have found that the most anyone uses is 50 watts, most are using in 
the 30 watt range max.  I guess you have to depend on a good antenna to really work 
the DX, but so far (from WA state), I have managed to work most of South America with 
a simple double extended Zepp with about 10 watts.

Anyway Ron, good luck with the mode and if you have any suggestions about making the 
TR-7 work better, I am all ears/eyes - lol.

73's - Bill-N7MFB
-----Original Message-----
From: "Ron Wagner"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon Sep 15 05:06:39 PDT 2003
Subject: [drakelist] Does amp ALC caus TR7 ALC LED to light

>Just wondering. Does an Amp's ALC voltage fed back to the TR7 cause the 
>ALC LED to light.  It seemed that the amp is holding the TR7 power "down" 
>like it should, but I do not remember seeing the ALC LED on the front of 
>the TR7 lighting.  Maybe I was sleeping at the wheel and just didn't 
>notice :-)  
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